Wednesday, January 20, 2010

if there was a way to read this

If there was a way to read this, I may explain it here. If there is no one, singular way to read my posts, than you should disregard.

I hope this disclaimer does not bother you, the reader, all that much.

I was just talking about how I set myself up in ways that I don't have to remember things. In short, my method involves following certain behavioral patterns and then simply forgetting things because I only have to know what I would have done rather than remember what I actually did. For instance: where I placed a pack of cigarettes or an important piece of paper...I don't need to even think about all the places it could be. I just need to think about where I have to go and it will be there. If I am at a girlfriend's house, the cigarettes will not be on the floor behind the bed or the shelf near the radiator. they did not fall off the desk into the paper infinity and I most certainly did not leave them on outside! it would be out of character! They have had to been in the place where i will most definately look once more. They must have been inside of the coat i left there. yes. they must be. I actually asked. they are there.

the plan works great and it extends beyond keeping track of objects . it works with ideas in general. or i think it does.

im going to remember, now that what I will do from now on is to post some bullshit email from my dad or someone else. I feel the best way to convey my message is to give you the entirety of the reading material and then respond if i want.

So, considering the assumed structure of how i would like to present a person with the relevant ideas, i will say that in future, when reading an update, feel free to understand the first tone as the provoking element and the change in tone will be my response.

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